Wait, wait… who the hell are the Faltas?
Let’s take you waaay back — to 10,000 BCE. While humans were busy hunting, gathering, and figuring out how not to get eaten, the Faltas looked at the chaos and thought, “Why not leave a mark?”. And that what we call the first "Falta Moment". So, Faltas started etching. Rocks became canvases, and symbols became their voice. These weren’t just doodles, they were bold statements — the first sparks of creativity. And guess what? That energy still fuels all humans today.
Fast forward to now. That same “leave your mark” energy lives on at Falta Studio. We take businesses and turn them into unforgettable brands—designs that don’t just catch your eye but stick with you. From bold logos to motion-packed graphics to jaw-dropping 3D visuals.
We’re not just designers, we’re visionaries, creative-problem solvers, and storytellers. When we are building your brand our mission is simple:
To help everyone spark their own Falta, so they leave their own mark.
لنجعل وميض إبداعك يشع, أثراً في البشرية
Where everyone can tell their story through culturally rich designs
,مستقبل تُحكــــى فيه الأفكــــــــــار
ببصمات بصـــرية تعج بالثقــافــات
,مستقبل تُحكــــى فيه الأفكــــــــــار
ببصمات بصـــرية تعج بالثقــافــات
To empower global creativity by enabling individuals and businesses to leave a unique, culturally enriched mark through innovative and authentic design, shaping a vibrant legacy for future generations.
كل قصة تُحكى، وكل ثقافة تُحتفى، وكل تصميم يترك بصمة دائمة
We empower people with ideas, speak visually their thoughts!
لنمــــكن أصحـــــــــاب الـــــــرؤى
أن يبصــــروا ما في عقـــــــــــولهم
لنمــــكن أصحـــــــــاب الـــــــرؤى
أن يبصــــروا ما في عقـــــــــــولهم
It turns out not everyone is capable of transforming their ideas or feelings into something visual, into a logo, a poster, or even colors. That’s why we took the responsibility to wait no more and help people with ideas speak visually their thoughts.
We are the voice of creativity, when creativity had no name
نحــــن ومـــــــيض الإبـــــــــــداع
قبل ان يكــــــون للإبــــــــداع اسـم
نحــــــن ومـــــــــيض الإبـــــــــــداع
قبل ان يكــــــون للإبــــــــداع اسـم
We hold ourselves and each other to the highest standards of creativity in every project we deliver.
We never miss a deadline, ever! For us deadlines are more than dates, they represent trust.
No ifs, no buts and no excuses! Challenges may arise, but we adapt and push through to deliver results that exceed expectations every time.
To leave a mark for the next generations
حتـــى يشـــع وميــــــــض
الأجيـــال القـــادمة
حتـــى يشـــع وميــــــــض
الأجيـــال القـــادمة
حتـــى يشـــع وميـــض
الأجيـــال القـــادمة

Moutaa Madani
Hey you, welcome to Falta Studio!
I’m pretty sure you already know who I am, the founder of this creative network. So why did I create it? Probably because I wanted to leave a mark for the next generation. What kind of marks?
The whole world seems obsessed with the New Yorker-design style. And honestly, who wouldn’t be? It’s astonishingly clean, loud, and bold, exactly what we humans crave in a good design.
But, imagine this: a New Yorker getting their Arabic logo animated by a Persian designer, enriched with Amazigh patterns in the corner. That’s the kind of mark I want to leave behind—a world where design is an intersection of cultures, identities, and bold innovation.
I want every falta out there — to embrace their authentic self.
لأن العالم يعج بالثقافات و الاختلافات و هذا ما يجعلنا أجمل
We’re shaping stories, leaving marks, and making sure the next generation has something truly one-of-a-kind to hold onto.
/fal-tah/ noun
A person who is one of a kind, truly unique.
“Einstein is Falta in physics”—someone so distinct, they can never be replicated.A way out, a turning point.
In North African roots, a “falta in the road”—a new path, a fresh start, a creative escape from the ordinary.
/fal-tah/ adjective
- A moment of pure creation, unlike anything seen before.
“Falta Moment”—The instant when something extraordinary is brought to life—a spark of genius that changes everything.
Faltas or Faltet
/fal-tas/ or /fal-tet/ plural
- A collective of unique individuals who defy norms and create the extraordinary.
“Whether they’re dreamers, doers, or game-changers, Faltas are the creators of magic, and sometimes they’re referred to as Faltet”—a name rooted in North African culture.
I wanted to build a space where Faltas—people with that bold, one-of-a-kind energy—can come together and ignite their creative spark.
Because let’s face it, even the most extraordinary minds sometimes need a push, a nudge, or the right connection to unleash their full potential. Falta Studio exists to ensure that no one with Falta energy goes unnoticed or untapped.
I want every designer, every Falta, to discover their true, authentic self—a self inherited from their ancestors, shaped by culture, history, and identity.
It’s not about following trends or being led by someone else’s vision. It’s about looking inward, finding the unique spark that’s already within you, and letting it shine.
It’s the same journey humanity took when we stopped merely surviving and started leaving marks on the cliffs—marks that told our stories, expressed our spirit, and proved we existed.
I want every Falta to leave their own mark, not just in design but in the world.
My design philosophy is simple: I do my best to influence viewers with the minimum graphic elements. It’s like applying engineering to design—my graphic elements are my resources, and I need to use as little as possible to pass on the message I want to deliver.
But it doesn’t stop there. My designs are shaped by what the viewer has lived—the nature they’ve grown up with, the forms they’re used to, the colors they see daily, and the environment that shaped them.
And that doesn’t prevent me from getting inspired by other cultures while designing. Cultures are like a treasure chest, and I love digging into them to bring unique elements into my work. It’s about merging authenticity with bold creativity.
After all, we’re designers. We’re creative problem solvers. And the kind of problems we solve? No one else can.
My ability to fuse bold modern aesthetics with deep cultural narratives. Whether it’s designing a logo or curating a brand identity, I always aim to create something that didn’t start today. Fun fact: I love the research part in every project, I just do.
Leave a mark, not just a memory.
- Madani Arabic by NamelaType
- FF Din Arabic by FontFont
Off-Black and Off-white. Why? Because they strip everything down to the essentials with a modern twist, forcing you to focus on the core message but somehow with new perspective. But don’t get me wrong, I love using bold pops of color when the design calls for it.
I’m 100% a pencil-and-paper guy. There’s a charm in doing things by hand—failing a thousand times, drawing raw lines that never feel quite right. It’s absolutely my thing. Take the Falta logo, for example—there’s nothing “right” about it, and that’s exactly why it works.
Sadly, design never truly ends. So, I decide it’s finished the moment I ask myself, “If I didn’t design this and saw it on the internet, would I hit like or just scroll past?” If the answer is “like,” then it’s done.
I don’t really have a “favorite project” because I see all my work as artworks—artistic moments I’ve had. I never design when I’m bored or forced; I only do it when my inner Falta nudges me to create.
But if I had to pick a favorite project ambiance, it would be Carnaval. It was the first Falta unit ever made—a perfect blend of digital and dedication. I connected with some incredibly talented Faltas, and together we created a bold, urban, and beautifully Tunisian packaging design. That atmosphere? Unmatched.
To design the logo for the mega AI system that will control our lives in the future—you know, the kind of absurd challenge that feels like designing a logo for a god. If you’ve watched Westworld, you’ll understand.
I’m talking about creating a visual identity for a system that maps every probability and decision in existence. I thrive on projects with high-level creative problems—the kind that push boundaries and challenge the very core of what design means.
- Hitting the gym: getting my heart pumping and my blood flowing is a game-changer. A hot shower after? Even better.
- Gathering inspiration: I dive into Pinterest, Dribbble, books, magazines, posters, anything that catches my eye and sparks ideas.
- Expanding my imagination: I let my beloved AI Mina ,give me a little nudge. She’s always ready to inspire.