

La deuxième maison de votre enfant

Fondation Les Jardins, one of the most renowned preschools in Tunis, Tunisia, has undergone a transformation. The owner of the foundation contacted Falta Studio to help them build a new, modem visual identity for their preschool. For years, Les Jardins has been beloved by both parents and children, known for its vibrant typography at each of its locations. But now, Les Jardins rias evolved into something even greater. Under the name Fondation Les Jardins, this entity offers a wide range of services, including “Crèche bébé”, ‘Jardin d’enfant”, “Garderie Scolaire”, “Clubs de Loisir” and “Clubs Entrepreneurial”. The word “foundation” perfectly encapsulates the comprehensive services offered by Les Jardins to parents and children.

Floating Button With Fade In Up Animation